Toda pasión colinda con lo caótico, pero la pasión del coleccionista colinda con un caos de recuerdos.
Walter Benjamin, "Desempacando mi biblioteca"
Every passion adjoins the chaotic, but collector passion adjoins a chaos of memories.
Walter Benjamin, "Unpacking my library"
Nowadays, in my research and artistic practice I work with the memory, the past and oblivion. How we create memories from everything that surround us, sometimes inventing them completely to give coherence to our existence, specially, to our identity.I work from fixed and in movement images like the entry/file of memories.
The actual dependence of the indivual on technology and his obsession for recording everything that happens to him, with the aim of the subsequent exhibition to the others, or just, the contemplation with the passage of the time to recover the feelings and situations of that moment. We enter, therefore, into a confrontation between digital memory and human memory; In which the first one, advances relentlessly as somethingcharacteristic of our times, while the second one, seems to delegate more functions to the prosthetic one.
To examine how we remember, which processes and connections our brain develops is something that I express in my works.Emulate them trough artistic creation, developing new contexts and meanings.
At this moment I make use of video and showings to interact in a more direct way with collective memories and the audience. That way, I instigate to its perception (inherent in memory, since it is which receives all the information in a first moment to, afterwards, be stored by memory), to make an open reading about what is presented. To remitting it, not necessarily but involuntarily to a thought, a memory or an already lived experience.
On the other hand, I use, too, a more analogical format of recovering memories as direct writing or oral tradition.
In short, I do a research into the relation between the individual and his memory and how the socialization of memories creates ties that allow the germination of a collective history and memory. Everything under an esthetic focus and artistic reflection.